Brilliant Bees

Agriculture produces 14% of the world's greenhouse gases, inparticular crop spraying.

Crop spraying is inefficient, spray tractors use tons of fossil fuels, and traditional crop protectants use hundreds of gallons of water per acre. So whats the alternative.

Saving the Planet comes in many ways, and a Canadian company have come up with brilliant idea using bees. The totally natural system they have devised uses no fossil fuels or water.

In a nutshell, they introduce a natural fungiside powder that eliminates mould on growing fruits, though the vents of the bee hive. Asthe bees leave the hive they move through the powder creating a thick coating on their legs and wings.

The bee then does what comes natural to them - polinate flowers, wher the powder falls directly onto the plant. This method also much more precise as crop spraying is highly inefficient with the majority of the fungicide falling between the rows of crops and in spray drift and water run-off.

I love this simple, but brilliant thinking. Let me know what you think.




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